Supporting of the resettlement of persons with intellectual disabilities from the residential institution of Demir Kapija into community based supported living settings
The projects overall objective is to support the process of deinstitutionalisation of Demir Kapija residential institution and to enhance inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities into mainstream community.
For achieving this goal, five specific objectives are set:
- To resettle persons with intellectual disabilities living in the residential institution of DemirKapija into community based supported living settings;
- To develop new community based social services, and to expand and improve already existing local social services in Demir Kapija;
- To develop and implement new ways of social services delivery based on users’ rights, person-centred approach, user involvement and empowerment, and collaborative, participative and proactive approaches;
- To enhance the capacities and skills of professionals in the provision of person-centred social services to persons with mental/intellectual disabilities;
- To increase the awareness of local society and stakeholders about the problem of institutions and the advantages of deinstitutionalisation, about disability rights to fight stigma, about the benefits of inclusion to both users and the community.
In order to the design an integrated CBS (community based social services) model for persons with intellectual disabilities in Demir Kapija, a comprehensive review of practices and standards in community-based services (CBS) and situational analysis of services in Demir Kapija and neighbouring municipalities, mapping and review of Demir Kapija Transformation Plan and local action plans for people with disabilities (PwD) will be carried out (involvinga Desk review and Primary research).
In coordination with Municipality of Demir Kapija project team will select 2 new facilities (housing units) that will serve as new group homes and in cooperation with Demir Kapija institution staff, the project team will identify the 10 beneficiaries to be resettled to the 2 housing units, prioritizing residents with intense support needs. Thereby establishment and operationalisation of community-based supported living services will be obtained.
The action will put particular emphasis on facilitating and promoting communication and cooperation between the municipal authority, civil society and other local stakeholders for the development and implementation of effective community-based supported living services and innovative community-based social services. Cooperation and inclusive dialogue between municipal authority, CSOs and other stakeholders is essential in order the reform towards the transition be effective.
A series capacity building activities are envisioned in order to strengthening of the capacity of CSOs - (potential) service providers, to support the cooperation between municipal authority, CSOs and other local stakeholders in the development and implementation of community-based services and finally to enable professionals in the public service perform their work without discriminating against persons with (intellectual, physical) disabilities.
Moreover, the project will strive to improve acceptance and inclusion of PwDs in the local community by promoting acceptance and change of stigmatizing norms and attitudes that PwDs face in their immediate environment and which impede their full participation in all spheres of life, through outreach and awareness raising activities in Demir Kapija and neighbouring communities.
The key stakeholders in the project are the Special Institution of Demir Kapija and other national and local institutions, responsible for the welfare of PwDs such as the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Institute for Social Activities, Centres for Social Work (CSWs), as well as health, social and educational institutions, social services providers, CSOs supporting PwDs etc. and the local communities.
The basic services to be provided during this project include:
- 10 residents resettled from Demir Kapija and assisted in supported living arrangements into the community
- Establishment and operationalisation of 2 community-based supported living services (housing units)
- Increased availability of innovative community-based social services for persons with disabilities, such as intensive interaction, personal planning/assistance, home help/care and personal care packages
- At least 20 persons with disabilities using newly-established innovative community-based social services Increased local government and community commitment and engagement in community-based supported living services and/or innovative social services establishment and delivery
- At least 20 professionals trained in planning and provision of CBS supported living services
- Capacities of 30 CSOs staff built in innovative community-based social services establishment and delivery
- Capacities of 10 municipal and social protection authorities staff built in innovative communitybased social services establishment and delivery
- Capacities of 50 professionals in public services (teachers, general practitioners, nurses, culture workers, vocational and social services etc.) built on user involvement;
- Increased awareness of local community & stakeholders about the problem of institutions and the advantages of deinstitutionalisation, disability rights, and the benefits of inclusion for users and the community.
The project is funded by the European Union.
KMOP - Social Action and Innovation Centre (GR), Coordinator
Association for Support and Development- “Humanоst” (MK)
Municipality of Demir Kapija (MK)
Duration of the project 03/02/2020 – 02/02/2023